Zoom Options
The following are possible methods of joining a Zoom session. The first two assume you have a camera with audio and voice attached to your computer. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the features (buttons) on Zoom. You’re not going to hurt Zoom or the meeting itself.
A. You don't need to install any extra software to join or even host a Zoom meeting. You can do it all through your web browser. (If you have installed the Zoom app, you probably already know how to use it.)
B. Have the email with the link information you need open (meeting ID number or host name). You might also be asked for the pass code.
Open a new tab in Chrome, MS Edge, Internet Explorer (or whatever Web Browser you use – Mozilla, Firefox. Safari, etc.)
Enter “join.zoom.us” in the address box (URL field).
As requested, enter the meeting ID provided by the host/organizer in the email you have open. (You can copy and paste that ID from your open email.)
Click "Join". (If this is your first time joining a Zoom event, the page will urge you to download and install the Zoom app. You can ignore that message for now.
Follow the online directions to signing in. If you want to talk to the speaker or group, you will have to “Unmute” your audio. You need to keep your audio on “mute” most of the time to avoid causing distractions. “Chat” gives you an option to send an individual, a group, or the entire audience a written message while the meeting is going on. Remember, everyone can see everything within range of you camera.
C. You can also join a Zoom session from within the email you received with the link information
1. Click on the meeting invite URL (link address) that the host shared via email or text.
2. A new tab will open on your preferred web browser. If you don't have the Zoom desktop app installed, the page will urge you to download and install the app. You can ignore that.
3. Skip down to the small print: "If you cannot download or run the application, join from your browser."
4. Click the highlighted text in "join from your browser".
5. Sign in with your name to join the meeting. See #B-5 above.
D. If you don’t have a video camera, you can still attend Zoom sessions via your telephone/cell phone. The email invitation will list a couple of phone numbers you can use to login. Be sure to “Mute” your phone or everyone will hear any ambient noises you make.