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Constitution of Ashland County Retired Teachers


Article I.

Section 1.  This organization is an affiliate of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association.  Its name shall be “Ashland County Retired Teachers Association.”

Section 2.  Purposes of the Association shall be:

Aid in the advancement of the public school,

Foster good fellowship among retired school teachers, and

Promote the interests and welfare of retired school teachers of Ohio.


Article II.


Section 1.  Membership shall be open to all retired public school teachers and administrators of Ashland County and to all retired public school teachers and administrators who have become residents of Ashland County.


Section 2.  It is recommended that applicants for membership in ACRTA be urged to join ORTA, also.  The current year’s dues must be included with each application.


Article III.


Section 1.  Officers of the Association shall be:


Vice President

Secretary, and



Section 2.  The officers, together with the immediate past president and chairpersons of the following standing committees shall constitute the Executive Board: Memorial, Hospitality, Calling Committee, Community Service, Scholarship, Legislative, Membership, and all officers.


The Board shall formulate policies of the Association.


Article IV.


Section 1.  Officers shall be elected at the fall meeting for a term of two years, taking office the following January 1st.


Section 2.  The president shall appoint all standing committees (for a two-year term); a nominating committee (as needed), consisting of three members who are not on the Executive Board; and any other temporary committees which he or the Executive Board deems necessary.


Article V.

Section 1.  This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any general meeting of the Association.




1.  Roberts Rules of Order shall govern proceedings.


2.  Annual dues shall not be less than ten dollars.


3.  Dues should be paid before January 1st each year.


4.  One year’s non-payment terminates membership.


5.  All claims against the Association, for materials or services, must be approved by the President, then   paid by the treasurer.


6.  Past presidents automatically become honorary vice-presidents, eligible to function as chairpersons       in any emergency.


Provisions of this document were originally adopted in February, 1964.

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